Is there a man alive who has not been cursed with pungent manhood odor at some point in his life? For some men, manhood odor is unfortunately a frequent problem, and it may be especially so for those who are active in sports. Fortunately, taking steps to ensure excellent manhood care can help to alleviate even stubborn cases of a rank manhood smell – even for those who spend a lot of time working it in the gym or on the field.
The sports connection
There’s no scientific data to back this up, but it stands to reason that a guy who spends a lot of time on the football field or swatting the horsehide around is going to have the potential for a worse case of manhood odor than a guy who sits around in air conditioned splendor all day. Being active, especially in hot weather, is going to increase the body odor potential all around, not to mention in the male organ area.
Being physically active, of course, is a good thing; so guys shouldn’t forswear sports simply to keep their crotches smelling better. But it is worth a look at why sports may result in a more rank aroma from a guy’s midsection.
• Sweat. Here’s the biggie, of course. Sweat is the main reason why a guy’s manhood tends to smell. Even without being physically engaged, conditions are ripe for sweat in the male organ area. For one thing, the hair in the area adds an extra layer of warmth that not only encourages sweat, but also catches and holds it in. The fact that the manhood is (generally) kept under not one but two layers of clothing also increases the heat and sweat factor. Add to that the fact that many athletes wear jocks, the tightness of which pumps up the heat, and it’s easy to see why sweat pours out of this area. But many athletes wear clothing such as biking shorts that make the crotch even hotter still.
• Androgen. Hey, androgen is one of a guy’s best friends. It helps physically define the male, and it also is crucial for both physical development and sensual performance. Getting plenty of exercise helps to increase androgen levels. But this necessary hormone also tends to release a distinct odor. In small doses, it can be very appealing to a member of the opposite gender; but in too large doses, mixed with other sweat-created aromas, it can be off-putting.
• Locker rooms. Locker rooms tend to be hot and moist, the perfect place for bacteria to breed. Hanging out in the locker room, especially when clad only in a towel, increases the chances for bacteria to cling to the manhood.
• Improper washing. Many gyms feature communal showers in which guys are washing up in full view of other men. In some cases, this can be a little intimidating to a fellow. He may feel very self-conscious about touching his manhood in front of another dude. As a result, he may neglect to wash the area, or he may do so in only the most cursory fashion, rather than giving it the thorough cleaning it needs after a sweaty day on the court.
To fight that persistent manhood odor, athletes need to do several things:
• Wash correctly. Even if embarrassed, take the time to wash the manhood thoroughly.
• Dry. Drying helps prevent bacteria from accumulating after a shower.
• Powder. Consider using a gentle baby powder to keep the area drier.
• Crème it. Manhood odor, whether from sports or other sources, is less likely to occur if a guy daily uses a top notch manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The crème must include vitamin A (sometimes called retinol), which is blessed with potent antibacterial properties to fight manhood odor. The best crème will also include alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps contain free radicals and fights cellular damage, enabling the manhood to thereby better resist odor. The right crème can be an excellent soldier in the fight against manhood odor.
Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.