Probiotics and Breastfeeding

Once upon a time, breast milk was considered the best food for babies. Until now, many people still believe in this. However, even the most perfect food in nature can be contaminated by the earth’s ecology destroyed by humans. The pollution and destruction of the ecological environment and the lifestyles of modern society have caused many women to reduce their milk production, while the quality of milk is also declining. This situation is particularly evident in large cities and heavily polluted areas.

There is evidence that the quality of breast milk has declined worldwide. Obviously, it is mainly due to the presence of human pollutants in the air, water and food chain. The quality of breast milk directly affects the composition of the baby’s intestinal flora. The intestinal flora of babies today is very different from those of babies half a century ago. Although Bifidobacterium infantis is the preferred colonizing bacteria, more recent studies have shown that other species of bifidobacteria, such as Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum, are now the dominant bacteria in the intestines of breastfed babies.

Dr. Rasic pointed out that Bifidobacterium infantis is not as “strong” as other Bifidobacteria, which means that it is rarely found in the food chain, air and water. Even so, Bifidobacterium infantis can resist invading harmful microorganisms in the intestine, including E. coli, Klebsiella and even Salmonella.

In a 1988 research paper “The presence of Bifidobacterium infantis and Bifidobacterium bifidum in the intestines of infants and adults”, Dr. J.L. Rasic reported the changes in the composition of the intestinal flora of German infants in the past 30 years. This study showed a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and a decline in strains in breastfed babies. The decline in beneficial bacteria is accompanied by an increase in the number of unwanted pathogenic microorganisms. From 1974 to 1977, the last few years of the study, it was found that more than 10% of babies had no Bifidobacterium detected in their feces.

The same trend was also found in premature babies. Although the number of bifidobacteria in premature babies is less than that of full-pregnant babies, there are also a small amount of bifidobacteria in these fragile new lives.

Dr. Rasic discovered that two types of dangerous bacteria-Klebsiella and coliform bacteria can grow steadily in some babies of the same age. These kinds of pathogenic bacteria are now generally found to be resistant to antibiotics. Dr. Rasic also noticed that the average pH of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract gradually increased, indicating a decrease in acidity in the large intestine. Obviously this will promote the overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungi.

Researchers in the UK, Germany and France have confirmed Dr. Rasic’s findings. Using computer models, a group of scientists predicted that babies’ intestinal tracts are inevitably facing the constant loss of beneficial bacteria along with an increase in dangerous pathogenic bacteria. This replacement of the flora will have serious consequences.

Dr. A. Schecter and T. Gasiewicz outlined this problem in their 1987 book (Solving the Problem of Hazardous Waste). They proved that toxic chemicals such as polychlorinated diphenylfurans have increased in human milk in different regions (the United States, Canada and Vietnam). Breastfeeding infants are the front line of receiving these toxic substances. It is understandable that the content of toxic substances in human milk in Vietnam is much higher than that in the United States and Canada. This is due to the extensive use of herbicides during the Vietnam War. However, potentially carcinogenic chemicals have also been found in the breast milk of North American women.

In 1980, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a paper “The Effect of Breastfeeding on Intestinal Bifidobacterium in Newborns” by three doctors H. Beerens, C. Romond, and C. Neut. Three pointed out that feeding babies with different combinations of bifidobacteria, the number of bifidobacteria may be similar, but the types are different. These differences can have a great impact on health. The study also showed that the main difference between cow’s milk and breast-fed babies is that cow-fed babies have high levels of dangerous bacteria of the Bacteroides, Clostridium and E. coli. Such a high content will not decrease as the child grows up.

After examining various food sources that can enhance the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, the doctor concluded that human milk is still the best. They wrote: No other mammal’s milk can promote the growth of bifidobacteria.

Top Reasons Why Mobile Apps Important For Business 2020

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Natural Treatment For Low Iron Levels To Improve Haemoglobin Levels In Body

Women having iron deficiencies are highly prone towards greater risks and this is why you are advised to improve haemoglobin levels of your body. Though anemia is the extreme condition but if proper care is not taken from the very beginning then you might even face the same. In most of the cases, ferritin test is to be conducted for checking out the iron level of your blood and on the basis of the test report, proper decision should be taken on time. Frequent infections are also sometimes invited due to iron deficiency and thus natural treatment for low iron levels is the best way-out.

Natural treatment for low iron levels is one of the safest options and on the other hand you will not face any kind of health complications as a result of the same. This treatment can improve haemoglobin levels rapidly and thus you can easily get rid of fatigue and unwanted tiredness. Immunity system can be improved as a result of which diseases can be prevented well. Hair loss is also quite common due to iron deficiency and if it is not cured on time then you might face baldness which is pretty embarrassing in nature.

There are some foods that contain higher iron elements and you should start taking those foods for sure. Make a list of those foods so that they can be included within your daily diet. Some of the major foods having iron elements are spinach, beans, lentils, ham, chicken, halibut, salmon, tuna, haddock, perch and many more. Create a perfect iron diet in order to improve haemoglobin and on the other hand natural treatment for low iron levels can also be supported. Feroplex capsules are the only way-out that can help you to get back the healthy levels of haemoglobin in your blood.

As per experts, Feroplex capsules are now representing the best natural treatment for low iron levels. These capsules not only improve haemoglobin but also supply necessary nutrients to your body and thus they are so reliable and safe. Blood circulation will also get hampered to a great extent and your skin will start looking pale or yellow due to lack of iron. Balance of white and red blood-cells will get disturbed as a result of which different infectious elements will crop up in your body and you will fall sick and ill. Different other unhealthy signs will be observed.

If you have recently got any huge blood-loss then you should immediately take the decision of having Feroplex capsules. These capsules can be easily digested and the herbal ingredients get dissolved quickly in your stomach and thus you can get instant effects. Syndrome of restless legs often occurs with iron deficiency and this syndrome can be only handled by means of these herbal capsules. Though these capsules have been mechanically processed but only purest herbal extracts have been included. You can now buy these capsules directly from any online store dealing with a great variety of herbal products.